Friday, December 25, 2009

Myspace bad influence?

My 16 year old daughter has a myspace page I was looking at my computer history and found the myspace page I took a look. Her photo was a photo of her in a really short skirt and a bralike shirt that says ''sexy. sHE IS SITTING DOWN WITH HER BUUT STICKING OUT AND SHE IS BITTING HER FINGER. Her other pictures arent any better. I watche done of her videos VERY in aprpriat. She pointed at her bed and said ''yall know whats gonna'' hapapen hear tonight. And Her comments were also bad. So how do I confront her about this without her hating me and thinking that i am spying on her life. True answersonly please. Thanyou

Myspace bad influence?

I think myspace is bad and should not be used by minors. If it is used it should be closely monitored my the parents. If your child is on myspace, then you need to know who they are talking to and who sees their page. Is your daughter using your digital camera to upload the pics? If so, you need to supervise.Please protect your child. There was a young girl from Okla. killed last year by someone she spoke to on myspace. The person that she was talking to and took her life was her downstairs neighbor!!!!!!

Myspace bad influence?

who's the parent here!? who cares if she is going to be mad at you or if you are spying on her. as long as she is living in your house, she will live by your rules. i would much rather have my child hate me and be safe from computer predators than put herself out like a whore on the internet.

Myspace bad influence?

She can be mad at you, and it is best that way, so that she won't do anything like that again, and ground her, because she could end up being a striper if you don't stop the bad things like that, and not let her have a MYSPACE any more ,and also take her computer away.

Myspace bad influence?

confront her, shes going to get angry at u anyway, i always did towards my mum being noisy. but thats just wrong what she is doing so she should be stopped

Myspace bad influence?

please learn to spell! No seriously read what you wrote and try not to laugh at yourself.

Myspace bad influence?

myspace is the worst thing to hit todays youth since..myspace!!

Do what you have to do to straighten her out. All parents should spy on their kids and punish them when they find out all the crap their kids are doing..Todays kids have to much freedom because the parents are too caught up in their own crap to care. Only when something really terrible happens do they wake up. Don't be like them - take control of your kid - you're not her friend, you're her parent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Myspace bad influence?

let her go jus mak sure she dont giv info away and stuf

whats her name????


Myspace bad influence?

Close her account.

Myspace bad influence?

Don't go blaming myspace!! Her behavior here is the problem, not the medium in which she chose to use!

Your first step is to delete the account. The next is to block the site entirely.

Bring it up with her. Do it all calm and Cosby show like, though, don't yell and scream. Explain calmly why you think that behavior is very risky.

Myspace bad influence?

Far be it from me to defend MySpace (it is the repository for all of cyberspace's flotsam and jetsam), but it isn't the problem. Your daughter's lack of respect for herself is the problem. She likely does these things because she wants to get attention from others to boost her self-esteem. The problem is that that attention isn't for her own merit, it is just for her sex appeal. I wonder myself why she craves this kind of attention so much.

Myspace bad influence?

My daughter has a myspace page too. She is only 13. She does NOT have inappropriate things on her page. I told her she could only have the page with me being on her friends list. I did go on there one time and she was cussing. I sent her a comment and that I didn't want to hear or see that filth coming out of her mouth. That worked. I would talk to your daughter asap!! Do not let one day pass by. You need to talk to her about predators, pedophiles, girls being murdered from people that they have contacted on the internet, etc. You need to GET REAL with her and FAST!!! If she is talking seductively and posing like that, she might even be having sex now for all you know. If she is, have you talked to her about that too? You need to get to talking fast or you might be a grandparent before you know it. And who gives a rip if she gets mad or not?? She will get over it. It is better to make a wave, and make sure your child is safe than not to say anything and then you wish a million times over you could have said or done something differently. Be bold. Straight up. Give it to her RAW. For real. This is life. You are the parent. She is the child. You can do whatever you want and that includes looking at her myspace. I pay the electric bill in my house for the internet, don't you???

Myspace bad influence?

Confront her calmly about it. She of course will get mad, but she will get mad anyway. But if you confront her in a calm like manner the anger shouldnt be that bad. Detele and block the site if you wish but you know with this day and age she can always get another. So why not just make one for yourself to be able to always keep an eye on what your daughter is doing on myspace. Its not that myspace is a bad influence. Its just the way people use it can turn it into a bad influence or good influence. But thats the best I say you can do.

Myspace bad influence?

Your the parent. Take control.

First, who bought the clothes? If you did, then you just set yourself up for problems. Take them away, if you didn't then you need to let her know that you don't approve of them and still take them away and tell her there not to be worn.

Second, it's her attitude like one of the other posters said above that's the main problem. Myspace isn't bad when it's used properly. When juveniles post semi-nude pictures and video's on their and start fights is when it gets horrible. Talk to her about it, her myspace most likely reflects how she does act in real life. The way she acts on Myspace probably no doubt is how she acts behind your back in front of boys, you need to talk to her about it before she can ruin her life.

She won't hate you, she'll get angry and say "how could you...___". But things will move on, they always do. And if she wasn't doing something questionable or acting out lately, then why did you click on that link?

My parents would have done that about 4 years ago because I was acting out. But today they don't need to spy on me if they found my myspace link, they trust me.

Myspace bad influence?

Myspace in itself isn't bad.

The naive kids who don't have parents telling them right and wrong things to do online is what is bad.

Please delete your child's myspace. Your child is giving the whole internet world a bad name.

I have a ten year old cousin who has a myspace. If he is more mature than your sixteen year old, and knows how to keep himself safe, your sixteen year old has issues. sorry.

Myspace bad influence?

i have a myspace. it isnt all that bad..just tell her you dont like the pictures

you cant control the comments that people left her,boys are gonna be boys.

I'm 15 and people leave me those type of comments but i just ignore it. but i don't how none of those pics,u said your daughter have. but just uderstand you cant change what people say but you can change what kind of pics your child leaves on there..good luck

Myspace bad influence?

Being a user of myspace myself, It's really sad that girls that age resort to getting attention that way, it can be really dangerous.

Being the parent, you should definately put a stop to it, possibly ban her off it or talk to her about putting those kinds of pictures up, the attention she's getting isn't exactly good attention.

Myspace is a great way to keep in touch with people, but also controversial because of the way some people decide to use it.

Myspace bad influence?

Confront her, ground her, and delete the myspace.

Myspace bad influence?

Being a 15 year old who also has an "innopropriate" myspace I think you're going to need to handle this creatively. Pehaps make a myspace account, and request an add to her site. This will shock the h*ll out of her and most likely she will realize what she's doing and shut the site down without any talking required.

Myspace bad influence?

tell her to add me as a friend :

Myspace bad influence?

Take her computer away from her and her cell phone if she has one. Don't let her on the computer at all. Myspace is very bad for teen girls. They get raped and kidnapped there.

Myspace bad influence?

It appears Julio answered your question for you. She will be receiving a lot of messages from guys her age or older with the way she is presenting herself on her site and you do not have to allow it. Having a computer as well as an Internet connection is a privilege and not a right. You do not have to allow the use of sites you do not approve of. I'm 100% certain Julio face to face would treat your daughter as lady but things can happen on the Internet she would regret when there is a lack of concern of ever meeting someone in person.

Myspace bad influence?

maybe the mama isnt any better (no offence)

ur the one who raised ur daughter to be a slut. i have a myspace and i'll never gonna paste anythin like that on there. and i have nice ppl talking to me on there so its not the myspace its u.

Myspace bad influence?

dont shes a teenager shell get over it

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