Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Is MySpace Good or Bad for christians ?

It seems like where ever you go someone has a MySpace account. People have found friends from the 6th grade that they did not see for 10 years .. people also make new friends. Some use it to network. It is even used as an instrument to encourage others.

On the other hand .. there are some perverts that are looking to meet with young kids to be sexualy immoral with them. Some have even been killed while meeting through MySpace.

That said .. Do you think MySpace is Good or Bad for christians ??

Is MySpace Good or Bad for christians ?

Myspace is no different than a hammer or shovel. It is a tool. One that people can use, if done correctly, to their advantage and become very productive with it. On the the flip side of that it is also a tool one can use to do harm and evil with.

Think of it like alcohol, if used in the proper manner alcohol can be good for your health, but misused and it can be a detriment to your health. Myspace can be both good and bad for Christians depending upon how they choose to use it.

Is MySpace Good or Bad for christians ?

Just dont tell people where you live and how to find you...

Is MySpace Good or Bad for christians ?


Is MySpace Good or Bad for christians ?

It's good for them. They need to learn that age is DUMB to profile in the States here. And stuff. They actually have this list of religions which you can claim yourself under.

Isn't the internet actually bad for people?

Is MySpace Good or Bad for christians ?

I think Myspace is bad for everyone.

Is MySpace Good or Bad for christians ?

It's good for bad Christians...no- wait, maybe that's bad for good Christians - or is that the same thing.

What was the question??

Is MySpace Good or Bad for christians ?



Is MySpace Good or Bad for christians ?


Is MySpace Good or Bad for christians ?

Myspace is bad for MOST people, period. Guess it depends who you have for your friends there.

Is MySpace Good or Bad for christians ?

It's good if you use it for a good.

Is MySpace Good or Bad for christians ?

Depends on how it is used. I have scripture posted on my site.

If people taught their kids how to use the Internet, we'd see a little less tragedy from on-line predators

Is MySpace Good or Bad for christians ?

Myspace is good. If you dont like myspace for the threat of something bad, you had better not leave your house. the threat of evil is everywhere, all the time. you must live with it, or not live at all.

So...myspace it up.

Is MySpace Good or Bad for christians ?

On a bad/good scale, I'd have to say that it's an okay site. I mean you have blockers and you don't have to give out your real name. If you know how to act with a online website than it's all good. But when you start being like most people and say omg i'm Natalie Smith* and I'm 16 and I'm from Newark, New Jersey and I live on 143 Royster Street. I have blah blah blah stuff like that.

*-fake name/information.

Is MySpace Good or Bad for christians ?

Everything is bad for them.

Is MySpace Good or Bad for christians ?

It is over run by Christians! They sent me stuff all the time on there whether I want it out not.

You can set your profile to private you know. That way you can protect yourself from perverts and only allow people you know to see your profile, info, pictures.

Is MySpace Good or Bad for christians ?

MySpace is typical of the internet. There are lots of great things on it. But all the crap is right beside it. You always have to be careful on the internet period.

Rather it is a good thing or not probably depends a lot more on you that your faith.

Is MySpace Good or Bad for christians ?

MySpace is merely a "thing." How people behave in relation to that thing is up to them, be they Christian, or anything else.

Is MySpace Good or Bad for christians ?

Like any tool, MySpace is neither inherantly good nor inherantly bad for Christians or anyone else.

Is a gun good or bad? Neither of course, its just a gun. It can be used for good or bad.

If you use your Myspace safely and carefully and avoid temptation it can be a useful fun tool. If you misuse it or use it unwisely then it can be dangerous. Like a gun or a phone or a pencil and paper.

Is MySpace Good or Bad for christians ?

myspace like any other thing can be used for bad or good. there is lots of bad on there and you have to watch out for it but there is also a lot of good and i have seen many christian meeting sites. christians like anyone else with morals need to be aware of the pitfalls (of which in this life there are many) and avoid them. it really comes down to maturity and self control and parental monitoring. although i do think myspace has a responsibility to monitor it too and remove any illegal sites and illegal goings on. but then that would require them to hire monitors and that would lose them money so more than likely they won't do it because in the end its all about profits.

Is MySpace Good or Bad for christians ?

Good for attention whores.

Bad for the sane.

Is MySpace Good or Bad for christians ?

myspace just like the internet and everything else in life can be good or bad it just depends on how each and every individual uses it if you are using it to keep in contact with family that's distant or old friends and to meet people or as a dating site then fine but if you're gonna use it to prey on children and whatnot then it's not good

Is MySpace Good or Bad for christians ?

MySpace is no different than any public website, which are really no different than the public itself. If you dont feel like you could utilize the website without getting into porn or whatever, then don't use it. If you feel like you wont be tempted or bothered by those things, you could use it for good right? I dont believe in excluding everything because of potential sin, if you do, then exclude yourself from the net as well.. and TV and radio etc etc.

Is MySpace Good or Bad for christians ?

it is completly dependent on the individual

Is MySpace Good or Bad for christians ?

I don't see what's good or bad about it, I think it's people that makes it good or bad because it is just a website. People use it in a dirty way or a positive way.

Is MySpace Good or Bad for christians ?

I think that there is good and bad in everything. I am a Christian and use my 360 to express myself in a "clean" manner. Yes there are a lot of perverts out there lurking, that is why even I don't ever give out my real name or location. It is wise for all to keep that PRIVATE so hopefully we can cut down if not out all of the ones that are causing havoc on others.

Is MySpace Good or Bad for christians ?

Anything and everything under the sun will be used by perverts. IT depends on how you use it, not the other people. I myself use it to keep in contact with my cousins, so it's a good thing. I"m also very picky about who I put on my friends list. If I don't know them, they're not on. That should be how others do it, but with it being a popularity contest sometimes, those perverts sneak in.

A good rule of thumb is don't meet anyone from online, especially alone. Always tell people who you're seeing, where, and bring a group.

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