Monday, November 30, 2009

Can celebrities sue for slander on MySpace if someone else pretends to be them?

Mar 17 2007

Does or did Ellen DeGeneres ever have a MySpace account??

Here are some Ellen DeGeneres sites that show up on MySpace.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, And that is not to mention the three sites deleted this week of :,, and, that were active during the Oscars. ----------------------------------------...

One person on MySpace, possibly an attorney in Los Angeles, CA, emailed and advised me to call NBC Studios in Burbank at 1-818-840-4444 to confirm that Ellen DeGeneres DOES NOT have a MySpace account. .. or "stay in denial". (My question is, why would the "stranger" care what I think on myspace??) What was "his/her" motives in contacting me at all? Is he working for Ellen DeGeneres? I don't know. His myspace URL is: It shows a logo for "Peter Clark-Davidson, Attorney at Law, Cooper %26amp; Nieman (Criminal Law %26amp; Product Liability) From Los Angeles, CA ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------...

Also there is a group on MySpace who wanted to make sure that I and others on MySpace knew Ellen DeGeneres did NOT have a MySpace account. They claimed to have spent countless hours checking and rechecking, and researching in spite of what was documented at the Oscars. Their URL is:, ----------------------------------------... I personally don't feel that ANYTHING has either been proven or disproved regarding Ellen DeGeneres on MySpace and what was stated at the Oscars. An 88 year old woman from Austin, who has spoke to Ellen by phone on the air several times, also appears to have an account on MySpace. Her name is Gladys Hardy and she shows to have EllenDG as a "MySpace friend". Does that prove or disprove anything? Gladys Hardy's URL is: or at:, ----------------------------------------...

All that remains is a lot of questions. Ellen DeGeneres..... Oscars....... MySpace.... photos.... ??? I doubt the general public will ever be made aware of the purpose, (of the Oscar photos with Clint and if she has a MySpace account), since one Ellen account claimed that Ellen herself was not allowed to mention anything on her show about MySpace or having a MySpace account on her show as it could result in legal issues with MySpace and her show... IE, negative publicity for MySpace. A fake Celebrity MySpace account being run by a stranger is similar to handing your checkbook to a total stranger. They can affect or manipulate the fan's image of that person in a very negative way, if they desire... destroy their credibility, etc. If that is occurring on MySpace, it should be stopped, as it can hurt as much, as help, a Celebrities image to the public. Can celebrities sue for slander, ID theft, character assassination, criminal mischief, fraud, etc. in regards to MySpace???

-- passionwink

Can celebrities sue for slander on MySpace if someone else pretends to be them?

Since MySpace deletes the accounts, I think it's obvious they do not condone people imitating celebrities. Ellen would have to prove she suffered financially or otherwise in order to win any judgement. Good luck trying to sue an anonymous person from the net!

Of course, in my opinion, a person truly has to be a loser with no life to pretend to be a celebrity online.

Can celebrities sue for slander on MySpace if someone else pretends to be them?

I often wondered this as well. Seems like a lot of phony MySpace pages that pretend to be celebrities.

Can celebrities sue for slander on MySpace if someone else pretends to be them?

You guys see how busy celebs are: getting ready for photo shoots, acting in films, responding to obnoxious fanmail, singing at concerts, and touring. Do you really think they have time to even create the account? I mean, they could sue if they really wanted to, but they'd lose the case. It isn't so much ID theft, considering they're known everywhere and it really just for fans to have a little fun. Ya. A celeb really has time for suing their fans that'll be at the premiers, concerts, etc. They're nothing without fans, so they don't bother. We actually think it's kinda cool.

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