Thursday, December 3, 2009

Myspace without parents knowing?

My parents are so against myspace and I really want one... My dad knows every website that I visit because I have AOL and so he sees my history. I seriously dont want you to answer and say that I should listen to my parents because I dont care... But I was wondering if there was a way to get onto myspace without it showing on my history? I went to my friend's house and made a myspace at her house and she said that I should come over a lot to check my myspace but I rarely go over to my friends' houses because of my schedule...I just want to get onto myspace on my computer without my parents interferring! I know that I will be careful so you dont need to say anything to make me change my mind...Please dont say anything about making me listening to my parents because you are wasting your time!


Myspace without parents knowing?

Well, if your parents are really after it, they can install a keylogger program that'll catch anything you do.

But then, if they are that after it, you likely wouldn't be able to ask, eh?

AOL uses its own version of Internet Explorer. And you can wipe many of its history elements. But... if your parents use it too and check the history, they'll expect to find their own browsing sites there, won't they? So if you do that, you lose. They catch you almost immediately. Not hard then to badger you until you confess, or simply punish you without waiting for a confession. They can also change AOL's logon password, even the name, and you DON'T want that!

If you can, set the computer preference to hide the "start" bar that is usually at the bottom of the screen. You want to do that so it only shows ('cause when it does, the running programs show in it...) when the mouse drifts overtop it. And be sure not to let the mouse do that when the parents are nearby.

Sign into AOL. Once you are signed in to AOL, do a little browsing. Nothing too involved 'cause you only have so much unsupervised time. But you have to add something of your own to the history to explain your use of the computer. It's also handy to have something up on AOL whenever someone walks by. Do NOT minimize it. You don't want to have to go to the "start" bar while IE is running and someone's right there.

Then fire up Internet Explorer, the copy that installed with Windows. Don't click on the desktop icon as that will leave it highlighted. Even clicking on the desktop afterwards leaves a little dotted line box around it. Telltale. Look it up in Programs every time. Then go anywhere, do anything.

Once you are done, go to the menu bar in IE and click on TOOLS. Choose INTERNET OPTIONS. The "General" tab comes up, and you see first Home Page, then Browsing History. In the area for Browsing History, select DELETE. Ignore SETTINGS, it doesn't really do what you tell it to anyway, especially when it comes to not saving history items. On the next beastie that comes up, go to the very bottom (it overlays the first box so you can be fooled about where the bottom is 閳?can they make it more obnoxious?) and select DELETE ALL... Almost done (can they make it more obnoxious?). Finally another box will pop up, far away so you have to laboriously drag the mouse way over. (Can they make it more obnoxious? Why does MS go so far to preserve browsing details? They have to be snooping, don't you think?) This is the last step: click YES. Let it work, then close all that and close Internet Explorer.

This deletes all the telltales of your wanderings. History itself is not enough. What good does it do for you to delete the site history only to have your parents find 43 MySpace cookies planted on the computer? And most site's code is taken from site's offering free code and dropped on a person's site to look cool without the least concern for other things it does. (Like put commercial-use tracking cookies on your computer. And install viruses, trojans, etc. Believe me, the only trojan you want installed is one you unwrap and put on yourself.) You don't want those cookies showing up.

By the way, be awful sure to log off MySpace when you're there. No matter what. Because even after all this, there's a risk a cookie will remain and if they do the simplest test of all, visiting MySpace themselves, and MySpace welcomes Ally and asks her to log back in, well, the jig is up, eh?

Oh, what a web we weave when first we practice to deceive...

But then, once we're done practicing, it's an awfully big WWWeb out there and a lot of fun waiting to happen.

Oh, one last thing. They'll also catch you if you end up meeting a predator, be he 16 or 66, and he beats you, rapes you and leaves you for the police to find. Um, avoid that too. Gotta cover all the details to get away with it, eh?

Lol, it'd be funny (or would that be "ironic"?) if the day you got caught was the day after they said "Honey, you're old enough and mature enough that we think you can have a MySpace now" and you "set one up" and that day later they see 483 friends and 63,995 hits and messages going back 9 months...

Myspace without parents knowing?

there are simple ways.

jus look up on youtube'

use proxy sites

search on youtube

search thing like getting on myspace at skool

Myspace without parents knowing?

My parents are the same way, althogh i don't have AOL. if i were you i would download Internet explorer ( what I use and they still haven't caught me ), theres a thing on there where if you go to tools and 'Internet options' and select delete all it will delete everything you typed in, history cookies ect.

Myspace without parents knowing?

I'm not sure about AOL's browser, but with most you can delete parts of your history. Try this, log into AOL and then minimize it. Then use IE (Internet Explorer). Before you close IE, press CTRL+H and go through and delete from your history.

Myspace without parents knowing?

Dear Ally L,

I have some great news for you, because yes there is away you can delete your history ... so your dad is never going to find out that your on myspace!

Step 1) at the top of the page click on tools %26gt; Clear private data

*note* your internet might not have this

Step 2) at the top of page click on tools %26gt; options %26gt; Security %26gt; Delete cookies

best of luck,

always your best answer=)


Myspace without parents knowing?

U clear ur private data or history or whatever with the tool bar...if u dont know that i dont think u deserve to have myspace but whatever......and by the way its a lot harder to find history than u think so ur dad may be just bluffing but just clear ur data after ur done and that will work

Myspace without parents knowing?

If your parents decide to block myspace, you can use

Myspace without parents knowing?

if u have internet explorer you see an arrow pointing down by the BACK butten and the you go to history at the bottem it says history CTRL + H then click that then you go to today and press delete now he cant see it!!!!

Myspace without parents knowing?

well it depends if ur perents get sent a sepcial emal that tells them were u go online if they do not get that after u check ur myspac just clear the history or on aol its called footprints and also u might have internet explorer on ur computer u could use that just for myspace and clear the history when u are done so know one knew u were on it or their are many other ways if u were to look on youtube u could get something to make shure no one would know u were on hope this helps

Myspace without parents knowing?

you can just go to you tube or google...and myspace isn't really that bad ya no you should try to convince your parents to let you get one because the only way someone can find you is if you put out that information you should tell your parents you willn't tell anyone that information and that they should trust you enough to be able to handle this responsibility....thats what i told my parents and it worked and my parents are super protective they wouldn't even let me down load that should work.....Good luck and Happy New Year!!!

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