Saturday, November 28, 2009

How can I get my short film from Myspace saved onto my computer to burn to DVD?

Okay guys, I directed a short film and it was edited. I had the files saved on my computer, but my computer crashed and those files were deleted. This is a re-edited version and I'm trying to save it onto my computer so I can burn it onto a DVD without having to go back and re-edit it. If you know much about this please let me know. This was a suicide awareness short film I did.

Here's the link to it on myspace:

I just need to be able to save it as a file on my computer from on Myspace and burn it onto DVD. I have used programs that let you save it onto your computer but it's saved in flash and it doesn't burn onto a DVD. If you've downloaded something from myspace and burned it onto a DVD, please let me know. Thanks!

How can I get my short film from Myspace saved onto my computer to burn to DVD?

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